Category: USA

Alaska - Adventurous Figs

A winter wonderland in Alaska

Being from Utah we’re used to snow, we have it every year. Usually Utahns escape to warmer weathers in the Winter, but not these Utahns, not this time. Why escape from one winter land...

New York - Adventurous Figs

The boys and girls take New York

Neeeewwww Yoooork! We’re back on U.S. soil and while I loved all the destinations we traveled to, it feels good to be back! We couldn’t resist stopping in the iconic Big Apple for fun food, jaw...

Savannah - Adventurous Figs

Charming Savannah

When I’ve visited more countries than I have states I know it’s time to start exploring my own backyard in the good ‘ol U.S of A. Growing up in the West and having been...

Crater Lake - Adventurous Figs

Independence Day Road Trip

My favorite holiday hands down is the U.S. Independence Day. The weather is always hot and sunny which means shorts and sandals. There’s always a BBQ and water activities. To top it off, fireworks...

Hawaii - Adventurous Figs

Hawaiian Paradise

It’s round 2 for a visit to Hawaiian paradise! Our reason to visit this time was for a friend’s wedding. Although the wedding didn’t require us to spend 10 days there we found ways...

Horseshoe Bend -

Horseshoe Bend and Antelope Canyon

It’s nice to change things up and visit somewhere close to home! We drove in our fun little mini coop to Arizona to visit the long awaited Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend.  Antelope Canyon...

Grand Canyon -

They put the Grand in Canyon

We were heading back from our family reunion in Southern California and decided to make a stop over to visit the Grand Canyon. I’d been once before when I was younger and took a...

California -

SoCal is So Cool

Southern California, or “SoCal,” has been a frequented family vacation spot for both of our families. I’ve been to Disneyland and Seaworld on a couple occasions. Although I’ve loved our trips to the theme...

Puerto Rico - Adventurousfigs

Discover Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a beautiful place, somewhere I could spend days searching the jungle for waterfalls and trying to find the best beaches. We made the smart choice of staying in San Juan, Puerto...