Tagged: Poland

The Schengen

We’ve had people ask us why we’ve done the route we have so far through Europe, and one of the main reasons is because of the Schengen Visa. There are 26 countries in Europe...

Krakow – Video

Krakow – Video

Krakow was more a last minute idea. We are so glad we went! Poland has a lot of history and we were able to enjoy some of it while in Krakow. Aside from the Salt...

Vienna – Video

Vienna – Video

Vienna was a beautiful and artistic city influenced by the famous and intellectual Mozart, Beethoven and Sigmund Freud. The Schönbrunn Palace, the Habsburgs’ summer residence, was our favorite place to visit, but doesn’t mean that...

Krakow church with Apostles


Poland wasn’t set in any of our traveling plans, but when we started considering going there at some point we knew that it was now or never to go. Aside from the Salt Mine...

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Auschwitz was the largest Nazi concentration camp where over an estimated 1 million people were killed (the actual number of victims is impossible to know since not everyone had records who entered the camp)....