Category: Places Visited

New York - Adventurous Figs

The boys and girls take New York

Neeeewwww Yoooork! We’re back on U.S. soil and while I loved all the destinations we traveled to, it feels good to be back! We couldn’t resist stopping in the iconic Big Apple for fun food, jaw...

Stockholm - Adventurous Figs

Vikings in Sweden

As we finished with Finland it was time to board our ship. We set out as Vikings taking the next country by sea. Our instincts told us there was no danger in Sweden, only unaware...

Helsinki - Adventurous Figs

Ferries in Finland

A year of constant backpacking from place to place is exhausting! It’s an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything, but the trade off is that it takes a lot of work! With almost a...

Estonia - Adventurous Figs

What Makes Estonia Unique?

Even though Latvia was a pearl and Lithuania had it’s mysteries, I’d have to say Estonia has been my favorite Baltic so far. There was a lot more to see and great food –...

Latvia - Adventurous Figs

Why Latvia

We said our farewells to Lithuania and greeted the next unfamiliar Baltic country, Latvia. Known as one of the most beautiful countries in the World, it’s rightfully been referred to as the pearl of...

Lithuania - Adventurous Figs

Do you know Lithuania?

If you’re thinking, “where on Earth is Lithuania?” and didn’t know it existed than you’re in the same boat I was before we left for Europe. The least I can do is bring this...

Savannah - Adventurous Figs

Charming Savannah

When I’ve visited more countries than I have states I know it’s time to start exploring my own backyard in the good ‘ol U.S of A. Growing up in the West and having been...

Crater Lake - Adventurous Figs

Independence Day Road Trip

My favorite holiday hands down is the U.S. Independence Day. The weather is always hot and sunny which means shorts and sandals. There’s always a BBQ and water activities. To top it off, fireworks...

Yoho - Adventurous Figs

O Canada!

2017 marked Canada’s sesquicentennial, or 150th birthday celebration. We celebrated by going to as many Canadian national parks as we could fit in a 10 day period. The parks were free to enter, and...

Hawaii - Adventurous Figs

Hawaiian Paradise

It’s round 2 for a visit to Hawaiian paradise! Our reason to visit this time was for a friend’s wedding. Although the wedding didn’t require us to spend 10 days there we found ways...