How to survive a long flight

For most people flying isn’t a fun way to pass time, and airports are usually stressful. To make the best out of a necessary traveling experience here are some simple tips that you might appreciate.


Download games and music beforehand

It’s good to have several options if you get on the flight and are bored quickly with either your book or the music you’re listening to. The flights usually give you access to plenty of music, movies, TV shows and games but just in case have your own on either a phone or tablet.

Get to know the person sitting next to you

Sometimes talking can make time fly by, if the conversation is interesting enough. If you feel comfortable with it, find out about the person next to you and you may be surprised how much easier it makes your trip. Try to find out helpful tips they might have if they are a native or have researched about the place you are traveling to. The gal we sat next to on our flight was from Slovakia and was able to give us some helpful information.

Get a kindle

The great thing about having a kindle when you plan on doing a lot of traveling is that you have thousands of books in such a small device. Get at least a few of your favorite books and plenty of new novels to read, and download them beforehand. I have to get partially started on a book so that my interest is already peaked, otherwise I get bored if I start it on the plane.

Bring sleeping aids

For a long flight it is worth having a neck pillow and sleep mask. I wouldn’t have been able to sleep as long if I didn’t have my sleep mask since they didn’t turn the lights off throughout the entire flight. I also wore my big ear phones that blocked out the crying kid in front of us, but ear plugs work too. If you need to, you could try taking a sleeping pill to help (just make sure you’ve used it before and it has good effects).

Walk around and stretch your legs

This might require you to request a seat next to the aisle so you don’t have to crawl over someone frequently. Wearing compression socks help as well, but it’s best to put them on at home where you can lay down and elevate your legs while putting them on. Also, doing seated heel and toe raises can help increase your blood flow and keeping shoes on help avoid swelling in your feet. Flying for long periods of time can cause lasting pain and possible formation of blood clots so do what you can!

Wear layers

I am one to easily get cold so I make sure to have a jacket, even if it’s warm weather outside because this doesn’t matter once you’re up in the air (obviously). I also like to turn on the fan to help with air flow and this can make me cold. I also bring a button long sleeve to put over my comfortable blouse if a sweater is too much. It’s also nice to have these things to bundle for a pillow. Lots of budget airlines charge for pillows and blankets, so its a good way to save some money as well.

Our 10 hour flight to Europe

We didn’t pay for any of the extra accomidations of the flight (meals, assigned seats, check in baggage). Instead we checked in early, got lucky and had seats next to each other. We also brought snacks and filled up my water bottle after the security check. We are only taking backpacks so no need for carry on fees.

This was the longest flight either of us had been on and I would chalk it up to a success. We had our tablets ready with books, games, music etc… and we didn’t use any of it. We actually slept about 6 out of the 10 hours and the other 4 was spent watching a movie and listening to music that Norwegian Air provided, and talking to the gal who sat next to us.



What tips do you have for long flights?


There are too many places and experiences out there for a person to know them all, but I figured why not give it a try? Travel has become an addiction and I'm here to share it with you. If you want to distract me, put a soccer ball at my feet, a sunset in my sights and the ocean splashing my toes. In a nutshell, this is me.