
Tulum - CancunCancun, Mexico – this is where we went on our honeymoon! This was or first official trip. we had gone a few small ones before this and I guess we did venture to California for a week. Mexico required Danielle to get her first passport. I’ve had mine for years now.

My mom’s wedding gift to us was her time share she has that lets her pick hotels and resorts all over the place. We Stayed at a 5-star resort called Mayan Palace that was 30 min south of Cancun. The reservation included one trip either from the airport or to the airport. We used it from the airport to get to the resort.

In order to save money, most of our traveling in Cancun was on the local’s bus system. From our Resort it was like a 30 min bus ride to Playa Del Carmen and an hour to Tulum.

Places Visited

  • Tulum – Ruins which are on 39 ft tall cliffs along the east coast of the Yucatán Peninsula on the Caribbean Sea
  • Xcaret – majestic archaeological park located in Riviera Maya, Cancun
  • Chichen Itza –  one of the new seven wonders of the world since 07-07-2007
  • Cancun – Of course we also visited the city!

IMGP0048Chichen Itza - CancunTulum, Xcaret and Chichen Itza were all well worth it. They were all amazing! We rented a car for the last 2 days and drove to Chichen Itza, I do not recommend doing this. We had the option of taking a bus which included meals. We thought we could save money by driving our selves. i think we ended up paying more because there are tolls. We hit the tolls going to Chichen Itza and decided to take back roads back to the resort. We got lost for a little while. We did get to see the country side and some small villages, but not worth the time.

Cancun City

Cancun was fun, we were only there for half a day. It was not my favorite part of the trip, it was like we were in Miami or something like that. All the American Hotels and food. We did get some domino’s pizza though.

The beaches were beautiful! The one right at our resort were covered in coral so we couldn’t swim in them, but all the other ones we made it to were amazing! I recommend visiting Cancun once in your life time. Well worth it to visit Tulum, Xcaret and Chichen Itza.

Check out our trip’s pictures!


Hey, I’m Pablo. Web developer, gentleman and a scholar. I love traveling, I have been traveling my whole life! I was born in Utah, but lived 13 years in Latin American countries: 5 years in Bolivia, 1 year in Mexico, 5 years in Peru and 2 years in Argentina.

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  7. Excellent write-up

  8. Outstanding feature

  9. Outstanding feature

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    Outstanding feature